Under the protection of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus,
the parishioners live as committed disciples of
Jesus Christ through
prayer, education, fellowship, and charity.
In 1973, Diocesan Bishops were authorized to commission Catholic laity to distribute Communion during Mass. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (EOMs) are trained in all aspects of the distribution of Holy Communion. They assist the priest during Mass in sharing the body and blood of Christ with their fellow worshippers. Ministers must be fully initiated Roman Catholics who possess a willingness to serve the community founded in the love of God.
Candidates for Extraordinary Minister of Communion should:
be at least 18 years of age
a registered member of Saint Theresa
have no impediment to celebrating the sacraments
attend the requisite training session. Training consists of an initial 2-4 hour Liturgical Workshop to receive a 3-year certification from the Archdiocese.
Serving as an EM offers a unique opportunity to deepen your faith and grow closer to God. By your example of reverence and dedication, it may also inspire others to active discipleship.
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