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 Thursday: Exposition at 10:00AM - 7:00PM.


 Friday: Holy Hour in Spanish in the church with Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament begins at 7:00PM-8:00PM




Jesus asked, “Could you not spend one hour with me?” The Eucharistic Adoration Ministry offers each member of the parish an opportunity for an hour of prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament—the Living God. The beautiful part of this is that there are no rules except that the Blessed Sacrament must never be left alone, and the time spent is in peaceful repose!  You may spend time with Jesus in whatever form of quiet prayer that you prefer or simply in listening to the Lord. Those who commit time each Friday are called “Guardians of the Blessed Sacrament”. This ministry is a source of many blessings for our parish family. In this ministry, we have opportunities for weekly guardians and for substitutes who are called occasionally as needed. If you are unable to actively participate in this ministry, please know we welcome visitors to the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel at any time. “Come when you can and leave when you must”.  



For more information, please contact: 


No Current Leader

(770) 489-7115

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