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GRADES 1st. - 10th.
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First Grade: For those who have a minimum of 6 years old.
Second Grade: For those who have completed 1 year of PSR classes.

If your child has not received First Communion and is in 3rd grade or higher, this child will be put in the Level Classes (L1C, L1T, L2C, L2T). First Communion is received when the child is in 2nd grade, per the Archdiocese of Atlanta. If your child is in Level Classes, you, the parent will have to take classes at the same time your child is taking classes. Your child will be in a classroom with his or her peers and you will be in a classroom with other adults. The classes will be on Sundays at the same time of your child’s PSR classes, and it will last the entire PSR school year.




Third Grade - Seventh Grade: 

Important Information: If your child has received his or her First Communion and will continue in the PSR program, she or he will be put in the class corresponding to the grade they attend in school, these are considered non-Sacramental Prep Classes for students that are on track.

If your teen received his or her First Communion during their preparation year during Level Classes, they would go to Confirmation 1 (Only teens in the 8th grade and up). If your teen was in the 6th grade in the Level 2 Teen, then your teen will be put in the 7th grade, a non-Sacramental class.




Eight Grade, Confirmation 1: For those who are at least 14 years old and have received First Communion.

Ninth Grade, Confirmation 2: For those who have completed Confirmation 1.

Tenth Grade, Confirmation 3: Confirmation 3 are the teens that have completed Confirmation 1 and 2, and have attended the retreat and completed all of his/her service hours. These are 6 classes on the Social Teachings of the Church. They cannot miss any of the classes unless he or she are sick. (If they are sick, they will have to attend the class through google meet). After the six weeks, they will have to attend the rehearsal with their sponsors. Confirmation 3 students will go to Confession during the retreat, but it is their responsibility to go to Confession before the Confirmation Mass. The retreat is in August and the Confirmation Mass is in October, we are humans, and we have a pre-disposition for sin. They have to be in a state of grace in order for them to receive a Sacrament as well as the sponsor. If we decide to have Confessions before Confirmation, we will let you know, otherwise they will have to come during confession hours on Saturdays. Also, Confirmation 3 students will have to be interviewed by Fr. Joe, the date of the interview will be announced after the retreat, and I will be communicating dates and times of the interviews. 



If you need more information, please contact:

Ivonne Oliveras

Director of Religious Education

 770.942.9765 ext. 2


Parish School of Religion Hours

9:45AM - 10:45AM

11:00AM - 12:30PM

12:15PM - 1:15PM

PSR 1st.- Confirmation 2 - PLC

Adult  Confirmation, Level classes- PLC

RCIA -  City Building

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